What does it mean to assume? In short, it means that we believe the people we interact with on a daily basis are being transparent. We think they will follow through. During the course of our daily lives, we make a lot of assumptions. We assume that our friend will show up for lunch or that our next appointment will be on-time. There just isn’t enough time to be hyper-critical of the dozens of small interactions we have on a daily basis. But why do we assume so much and sometimes (to a detriment) think that others are being truthful despite our inhibitions?
Because it makes life easier.
What kind of world would we live in where everything came with a question mark? What if every time we spoke, someone assumed we were lying? What if everytime we were a few minutes late, people assumed we just weren’t showing up and had no interest in being there? Our lives would be incredibly stressful and we’d eventually all go into self-preservation mode. None of us would be wearing “rose-colored glasses.” Every time we turned around we would feel like we were being interrogated. Our days would be spent needlessly fighting and arguing over unimportant things. Consequently, humans have evolved with a tendency to “default-to-truth.” A subconscious sort of will to see the best in others or assume that others are being truthful. It just makes life easier.