Unfortunately, far too many organizational leaders are unwilling to face their problems head on. While the root cause of an issue may be obvious, management teams often avoid them at all costs in order to either gain favor, hide ineptitude, or simply gain control of a situation. However, constantly avoiding issues and pretending as if they don’t exist will never result in sustainable growth or a strong company culture.
Before we get started, it’s important to define what “gaslighting” is. The term originates from a 1938 play called Gas Light by Patrick Hamilton. In so many words, a deranged husband obsessed with stealing his wife’s family’s fortune, slowly convinces her that she is going crazy by making the gas-powered lights in the house flicker on and off. When she would ask why this was happening, he would tell her that he didn’t see anything and that she must be losing her mind. In her confused state, he was able to start his plot.