Jen Gaudet Coaching Services International Mindset - Transformational Coach - Speaker Sun, 14 Jan 2024 16:12:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Jen Gaudet Coaching Services 32 32 The Power of Routine: Why Consistency Fuels Success at Work Sun, 14 Jan 2024 16:12:10 +0000 The post The Power of Routine: Why Consistency Fuels Success at Work appeared first on Jen Gaudet Coaching Services.


The modern workplace is a whirlwind. Deadlines loom, emails dance in constant inboxes, and meetings interrupt like a never-ending chorus of pings. In this chaotic sea, finding your own rhythm can feel like swimming against the tide. But what if the key to navigating this current wasn’t about superhuman feats of organization, but something simpler, something more fundamental? What if the secret to productivity, focus, and even well-being lay in the quiet power of consistency?

Imagine your workday as a musical piece. Notes fly fast and loose, punctuated by the jarring crashes of unexpected tasks. Now, picture the same piece played by a seasoned orchestra. Each note finds its place, transitions are smooth, and the melody resonates with clarity. Consistency is the conductor in this analogy, bringing order and harmony to the chaos.

Why Consistency Matters

The benefits of a consistent daily routine at work are numerous and far-reaching. Here are just a few:

  • Enhanced Productivity: When you establish a set schedule and stick to it, your brain gets into a rhythm. Activities become habitual, eliminating decision fatigue and allowing you to focus on the task at hand. Consistent sleep patterns and mealtimes also boost energy levels and cognitive function, further powering your productivity engine.
  • Improved Time Management: Routines provide a framework for your day, helping you allocate time effectively. Knowing what comes next eliminates procrastination and allows you to prioritize tasks with greater precision. No more scrambling to meet deadlines – consistency keeps you ahead of the curve.
  • Reduced Stress and Anxiety: The uncertainty of a haphazard workday can be a recipe for stress. Consistent routines, on the other hand, offer a sense of control and predictability. Knowing what to expect calms the mind and fosters a sense of peace, lowering stress levels and boosting your emotional well-being.
  • Enhanced Creativity and Problem-Solving: When your brain isn’t constantly in overdrive, it has the space to wander, to connect seemingly disparate ideas, and spark creative sparks. Consistent routines free up mental bandwidth, allowing you to approach challenges with fresh perspectives and find innovative solutions.
  • Stronger Relationships: Consistency builds trust and reliability. Colleagues and clients know what to expect from you, fostering stronger working relationships and creating a more collaborative environment. This not only improves overall morale but also opens doors to new opportunities and career advancement.

Building Your Consistent Routine

Creating a consistent routine at work requires intentionality and flexibility. Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Start small: Don’t try to overhaul your entire schedule overnight. Begin with one or two manageable changes, like setting regular times for checking emails or taking breaks.
  • Be mindful of your natural rhythms: Are you a morning lark or a night owl? Schedule your most demanding tasks for your peak productivity hours.
  • Find your triggers: Identify cues that signal the start and end of your workday. A morning walk, a post-lunch meditation, or simply closing your laptop at a set time can create a clear boundary between work and personal life.
  • Embrace flexibility: The unexpected is inevitable. Don’t beat yourself up if your routine gets disrupted. The key is to gently nudge yourself back on track rather than starting from scratch.
  • Track your progress: Monitor how your routine impacts your productivity, well-being, and overall job satisfaction. Make adjustments as needed based on your observations.

Remember, the perfect routine is the one that works for you. Experiment, personalize, and don’t be afraid to tweak your system until it feels like a well-worn pair of shoes – comfortable, familiar, and propelling you forward on your professional journey.

Beyond the Daily Grind: Consistency in Action

The power of consistency extends beyond the individual. Businesses that foster a culture of routine reap significant benefits as well. Consistent communication, streamlined processes, and predictable workflows create a stable and productive environment where employees can thrive.

Imagine a company where team meetings always occur on Tuesdays at 10:00 AM, project updates are delivered every Friday morning, and deadlines are set realistically and adhered to consistently. This predictable rhythm eliminates confusion, fosters trust, and empowers employees to focus on their work with confidence.

Leaders who champion consistency set a powerful example. By sticking to their own routines, demonstrating punctuality, and upholding commitments, they create a ripple effect that strengthens the entire organization. This commitment to consistency, in turn, translates to happier, more productive employees, improved client relationships, and ultimately, a thriving business.

Looking to implement some or all of the above to optimize your success? Reach out and book a call at here.

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Prioritizing Your Goals Early in 2024: Finding Success Next Year Sun, 10 Dec 2023 20:22:37 +0000 The post Prioritizing Your Goals Early in 2024: Finding Success Next Year appeared first on Jen Gaudet Coaching Services.


As the dawn of a new year approaches, business leaders are presented with a unique opportunity to shape the trajectory of their companies for the coming months. The importance of setting clear and strategic goals cannot be overstated, especially in the ever-evolving landscape of business. In this blog post, we will delve into the significance of prioritizing your business goals early in 2024 and explore how this proactive approach can contribute to sustained success and growth.

  1. Strategic Vision and Long-Term Planning:

The beginning of the year is an ideal time for business leaders to reflect on the past year’s performance and chart a course for the future. Establishing a strategic vision involves assessing the market landscape, identifying emerging trends, and aligning the company’s objectives with the long-term goals. By setting the direction early in the year, businesses can ensure that their decisions and actions are in harmony with their overarching vision, fostering a sense of purpose and unity among the team.

  1. Improved Decision-Making:

When business goals are established early on, decision-making becomes more streamlined and focused. Leaders can use these goals as a framework for evaluating opportunities, projects, and potential collaborations. This clarity not only accelerates the decision-making process but also minimizes the risk of pursuing ventures that do not align with the company’s core objectives. The ability to make informed and strategic decisions is a key factor in maintaining a competitive edge in the dynamic business environment.

  1. Enhanced Resource Allocation:

Prioritizing business goals early in the year allows for more effective allocation of resources. Whether it’s financial resources, manpower, or time, understanding the top priorities helps in directing these resources towards initiatives that will yield the greatest impact. This strategic resource management is essential for optimizing efficiency and ensuring that the business is well-positioned to capitalize on opportunities and navigate challenges.

  1. Employee Alignment and Engagement:

Clearly defined business goals serve as a compass for the entire organization. When employees understand the company’s objectives, they are more likely to feel connected to the organization’s mission. This sense of purpose can significantly boost employee engagement, motivation, and productivity. Regular communication about the prioritized goals ensures that everyone is on the same page, fostering a collaborative and goal-oriented work culture.

  1. Adaptability to Market Changes:

The business landscape is constantly evolving, with new technologies, market trends, and consumer behaviors influencing the way companies operate. By establishing and prioritizing goals early in the year, businesses are better equipped to adapt to these changes. This proactive approach allows for the development of contingency plans and strategies to address potential challenges, ensuring resilience in the face of uncertainty.

  1. Measurement and Accountability:

Setting clear business goals provides a basis for measuring performance and holding teams accountable. Key performance indicators (KPIs) can be established in alignment with these goals, enabling leaders to track progress and identify areas that may require adjustment. This data-driven approach allows for a more objective evaluation of the company’s performance and provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of current strategies.

  1. Customer-Centric Approach:

Prioritizing business goals often involves a deep understanding of customer needs and expectations. By putting the customer at the center of strategic planning, businesses can tailor their products, services, and experiences to meet and exceed customer expectations. This customer-centric approach is vital for building brand loyalty, attracting new customers, and maintaining a competitive advantage in the market.

  1. Competitive Advantage and Market Positioning:

In the fast-paced world of business, gaining a competitive advantage is essential for sustained success. By prioritizing goals early in the year, businesses can position themselves strategically in the market. Whether it’s through innovation, cost leadership, or differentiation, a well-defined set of goals guides the company in carving out its niche and staying ahead of the competition.

As we stand on the threshold of a new year, the importance of prioritizing business goals cannot be overstated. This proactive approach lays the foundation for strategic planning, improved decision-making, efficient resource allocation, and enhanced employee engagement. It positions businesses to adapt to market changes, measure performance, and maintain a customer-centric focus, ultimately contributing to a competitive advantage in the dynamic business landscape.

In the pursuit of success and growth, the early prioritization of business goals is not just a strategic choice; it’s a fundamental step towards building a resilient and thriving enterprise. So, seize the opportunity at the beginning of 2024 to set a clear course for your business, and watch as your proactive efforts pave the way for a year of achievement and prosperity.

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Time Management: The 6-Hour Spree – Maximizing Productivity for Business Success Tue, 08 Aug 2023 13:47:30 +0000 The post Time Management: The 6-Hour Spree – Maximizing Productivity for Business Success appeared first on Jen Gaudet Coaching Services.


Unleash Your Hidden Productivity Potential in Just Six Hours

The Missing Link to Ultimate Productivity:

In today’s fast-paced business environment, CEOs, working professionals, and corporate management constantly juggle projects, meetings, and priorities, resulting in diluted focus and decreased productivity. The secret to unlocking untold productivity and success lies in an innovative strategy called the 6-Hour Spree: a focused, uninterrupted stretch of time intended to yield massive returns in the form of additional hours for pursuing new business opportunities.

The 6-Hour Spree: What It Entails

  • 100% concentration for a six-hour period
  • Eliminating distractions and unnecessary interruptions
  • Prioritizing essential tasks and breaking them into manageable chunks
  • Leveraging proven techniques to reach optimal efficiency
  • Producing over 100 extra hours of time for new business opportunities

Embracing the 6-Hour Spree: How to Get Started

  1. Plot and Schedule: Identify your most productive time of the day and set aside a six-hour block for intense focus. Plan out your tasks in advance, considering their complexity and urgency.
  2. Establish Boundaries: Inform your team about your focus period and request them to respect it. Set devices and tools to “Do Not Disturb” mode and physically distance yourself from potential distractions.
  3. Prioritize and Break Down: One of the key components for success is breaking large tasks into smaller, more manageable parts. This helps keep you focused and ensures you are making measurable progress.
  4. Utilize Productivity Tools: Technologies like time trackers, Pomodoro timers, and productivity apps help to remain focused and make the most of your time.

How Focused, Undivided Attention Boosts Productivity

Several time management studies and research findings support this concept of concentrated focus. A famous study by K. Anders Ericsson, “The Role of Deliberate Practice in the Acquisition of Expert Performance” shows that intense, focused practice plays a crucial role in enhancing performance in various fields. The 6-Hour Spree embodies this principle, offering incredible results for those who are ready to invest in a truly focused and intentional approach.

Further research in psychology has shown that focusing on one task or goal at a time leads to better performance and increased motivation as well. By setting aside the allotted time for focused, uninterrupted work, it is possible to not only accomplish more but also feel more satisfied and fulfilled. Additionally, intentionally scheduling certain blocks of time for productive work, it can help reduce stress and increase clarity of mind.

In addition to the advantages of focusing on one task or goal at a time, it is also important to recognize that there are other advantages to setting aside focused blocks of time for productive tasks. One such advantage is that it helps promote better time management. By taking the guesswork out of scheduling and working in predetermined blocks, people can more efficiently use their time and energy, leading to improved results.

Moreover, setting aside focused blocks of time for productive tasks also helps increase productivity. By allotting a certain amount of time to the task at hand, people are less likely to procrastinate and become distracted by other tasks or activities.

Invaluable Benefits of the 6-Hour Spree

  • Increased productivity due to intense, uninterrupted focus
  • Ability to tackle urgent, complex tasks with ease
  • Improved work-life balance with the additional hours gained
  • Heightened sense of accomplishment and satisfaction
  • Enhanced creativity and critical thinking abilities

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The Modern Employee: No More Safe Spaces, Managers-as Therapists, or Ridiculous Benefits Tue, 30 May 2023 12:54:16 +0000 The post The Modern Employee: No More Safe Spaces, Managers-as Therapists, or Ridiculous Benefits appeared first on Jen Gaudet Coaching Services.


There is far too much that could be said about the state of the modern workplace that could be included in just one article. The business world has drastically changed since the pandemic and there isn’t a company out there that hasn’t experienced ups and downs. Unfortunately, many companies have made changes during 2020 that no longer make sense. Even more so, many management teams are still preaching the same old song-and-dance.

“Listen to your employees vent and take their words into account with every decision you make.” 

“Allow your employees the freedom to work however they please and only intervene when necessary.”

How ridiculous do the statements above sound when you really think about them? If you are a business owner who has spent years developing a successful brand, why would you want to all of the sudden check your personal and financial well-being at the door for an employee

who may only work there for a few years? As harsh as it may sound, a workplace is a preschool and business leaders aren’t there to take care of their workers every need; that is even if their workers have to be physically present in the office. Your role isn’t to make sure that your employees are achieving self-actualization or some combination thereof. You have provided them an opportunity to develop and hone their skills under the umbrella of the context you’ve created, nothing more, nothing less.

This doesn’t necessarily mean that you can’t be empathetic or have to be a “jerk.” But it does mean that there is a growing sentiment that people are tired of hearing about how important the vast range of ideologies that have become mainstream now are, and becoming more concerned with the economy and how their businesses will survive the coming months. There is an economic storm brewing (which there has been for some time) and the last thing on any CEOs priority list should be what size ping-ping table to get for the break room.

Work can be a “fun” place to be as you connect with your colleagues and employees. However, the idea that work has become a playground for those who now don’t have to report to anyone in-person anymore has to go. It’s time for modern business leaders to recognize the changes in the modern employee and adjust accordingly.

And adjusting doesn’t mean offering ridiculous benefits or providing employees with free Starbucks because it makes them more inclined to have a caffeine-rush or productivity and be in a good mood because you’ve saved them $7.50. It’s about recognizing the importance of getting back to “business as usual,” or however you want to define it. It’s time to simply get back to the basics of hiring employees that are qualified for the job, providing them adequate tools and resources to grow and develop their skills, and maintain a positive relationship that ultimately benefits the company. Your role as a business leader shouldn’t be much more than that.

If you would like to learn more about how an experienced business coach can help you navigate today’s modern business climate, I’d love to hear from you.

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Consistent Productivity Fri, 12 May 2023 15:58:01 +0000 The post Consistent Productivity appeared first on Jen Gaudet Coaching Services.


Consistency is key when it comes to productivity. Establishing routines and habits that support productivity can lead to success both personally and professionally. The ability to focus on important tasks and complete them efficiently is a skill that requires discipline and dedication. It’s important to keep in mind that productivity is not just about completing as many tasks as possible, but rather about completing the right tasks that will have the greatest impact.

Developing a routine that works for you is essential to consistent productivity. This routine should include a set schedule for work, breaks, and rest. While it may be tempting to work non-stop for long periods of time, taking breaks and allowing your mind and body to rest is important for maintaining productivity in the long run. As the saying goes, “you can’t pour from an empty cup.”

It’s also important to set achievable goals and prioritize tasks. This allows you to focus on what’s most important and avoid getting bogged down by smaller tasks that may not have as much impact. Breaking larger tasks down into smaller, more manageable pieces can also help to avoid overwhelm and maintain focus.

One article by John Rampton for Forbes highlights the importance of prioritization, stating, “It’s essential to know what tasks are important to your goals, and which can wait until later. Prioritizing tasks can help you manage your workload more efficiently.”

Eliminating distractions is another important aspect of consistent productivity. This can include turning off notifications on your phone or computer, closing unnecessary tabs or programs, and finding a quiet workspace. It can be tempting to multitask, but research has shown that multitasking can actually decrease productivity and increase stress levels.

In addition to eliminating distractions, it’s important to find ways to stay motivated and inspired. This can include setting rewards for completing tasks or finding a way to make the work more enjoyable, such as listening to music or working in a different environment. As the saying goes, “find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

It’s important to recognize that productivity is not a one-size-fits-all solution. What works for one person may not work for another. Experimenting with different routines and habits can help you to find what works best for you and your unique situation. Falling short once doesn’t mean you will fall short again. It’s all about consistency.

As Thomas Edison once said, “genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.” Consistent productivity requires discipline, dedication, and hard work. By developing routines, setting achievable goals, eliminating distractions, staying motivated, and experimenting to find what works best for you, you can achieve your goals and reach new levels of success.

If you would like to start on the path to professional transformation like you’ve never experienced, our team would love to hear from you. Visit the following link to see how our coaching services can help you become the best version of yourself.

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Time Minimalism: A Modern Approach to Increased Productivity and Time Management Mon, 13 Feb 2023 23:07:34 +0000 The post Time Minimalism: A Modern Approach to Increased Productivity and Time Management appeared first on Jen Gaudet Coaching Services.


If you Google the words “time management,” you will likely get thousands of results; all from reputable sources. Many of them will likely have something you can take away of value, and for a short time they might actually help you be a bit more productive. However, there isn’t anything groundbreaking within any of these articles. It’s likely something that has been recycled and reused over-and-over again.

Without reading the top search results today, I’m willing to bet 99% of them talk about making lists, planning your week ahead, getting more sleep, eating right, and communicating more clearly; all of the cliche phrases and common sense strategies you can think of. Unfortunately, none of them will help you in the long-run.

We live in such a fast-paced world, when it comes down to it, we are going to throw someone else’s strategy out the window when we feel pressured to meet a deadline that has an actual impact on our job. We just don’t have time for someone else’s nonsense (in so many words).

If you’ve ever ended the day and thought “there just aren’t enough hours in the day,” you are not alone. Our society is “go, go, go” and when we feel like we aren’t meeting certain expectations, we try to stack on more and more responsibilities; all of which we believe will help us reach our goals quicker and manage our time more effectively. Far too often relying on the latest technology, app, or leadership guru to bring it all together. But, there simply isn’t enough time to conquer the world in one day, no matter how hard we try. No time management strategy, dopamine-producing checklist, or Ted Talk is going to help you manage your day-to-day life more efficiently or lead you to be some kind of productivity wizard. The secret is time minimalism.

Time minimalism is the act of taking time to truly reflect on what adds value to your life. There are times when we get so wrapped up into what we think is important or think is helping us grow personally or professionally, that we lose sight of the end-goal. We can’t see the forest for the trees; blinded by our own stubbornness of years of ingrained behavior. And from an outside perspective, people watching us know we are spinning our wheels, but we have no idea. Take some time to truly think about your day-to-day routine. Are there parts of the day you are dedicating huge chunks of time to that simply do you no good? The answer is likely yes.

When you cut down on activities that don’t add any value, without sounding too simplistic, you will have more physical energy and mental focus. You aren’t spending your days wasting energy and tasks that translate into nothing. As seasoned professionals, there isn’t a week that hasn’t gone by where you haven’t sat at your desk on Friday and thought “my back hurts.” It’s time to stop wasting energy on things that don’t add value to your life; whatever your definition of value might be.

Time minimalism is also about setting realistic goals for yourself. We all want to get alot done. We could make a list of 1,000 things that we need to accomplish, but there isn’t any chance all of them are going to get done today. There isn’t any bullet-pointed that will help make this happen. Writing it down doesn’t magically translate to productivity. Productivity is something that occurs naturally when we are spending our time wisely on the tasks that matter most. It’s important to think to yourself at the start of each day, what can I do today that will help me accomplish my goals? If there is something that is a variable or a part of these long-term goals, but can wait, move on. Spend your time focused on something that has an immediate impact on your day-to-day life. Why would you spend an hour working on notes or a PowerPoint presentation for a meeting Wednesday when it’s only Monday and you have a meeting with a client later in the afternoon? It’s true you need to get both of them done, but you aren’t going to do either of them well if you aren’t focused on the one that matters at the right time.

Every journey begins with a single step; as cliche as that might sound. If we want to reach our long-term goals, it’s going to take a lot of little things to get there. And if we get wrapped up into the enormity or sheer length of time it will take to get what we want, we will likely end up spinning our wheels; spending our days trying to be more “productive” and manage our time efficiently by leveraging the latest technology. In the end, you can reach your goals by taking small meaningful steps each and every day. When you go about accomplishing something, whether it be drafting an email copy to be sent to current clients or creating a helpful guide for your staff to increase their sales, make it count. If you are going to do something, do it right. Invest your whole heart, professional expertise, and motivation into the singular task at hand. Don’t get caught up in doing more, get caught up in doing more that matters. 

At Jen Gaudet Coaching Services, we work with clients to take those small meaningful steps each day, focusing on those tasks that move the needle in business and life.  When you are ready to take the next step, reach out to us for a conversation.

Jen Gaudet

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A Real Conversation about ChatGPT and Your Business Fri, 03 Feb 2023 15:21:03 +0000 The post A Real Conversation about ChatGPT and Your Business appeared first on Jen Gaudet Coaching Services.


As a disclaimer, the following article was not written by ChatGPT. 

It’s sort of funny that to start off 2023, the most controversial and pressing topic for many businesses revolves around the statement above. Companies and entrepreneurs everywhere have been trying for decades to come up with a set of digital solutions to all of their problems. And now that something truly technologically revolutionary has come along, we’ve lost our minds and have no idea how to use it.

“It’s going to take my job.”

“It writes just as perfectly as I ever could.”

“My advertising and email copy is going to be the best in the industry.”

“I don’t have to do nearly as much work.”

You’ve probably heard some combination of the above over the last few weeks. And to be honest, they all sound ridiculous. To go one step further, most of them are a gross oversimplification. There isn’t any functionality that ChatGPT has that doesn’t require human interaction (a bit more on this later.) And there isn’t an aspect of any business that can be completely reliant upon a piece of technology with an unproven track record of success. We all love the bells and whistles of new technology, we just can’t be so quick to abandon ship and begin thinking that the way business is done has completely changed overnight. AI isn’t the answer right now. But we are getting closer.

Here’s a perfect example of a workflow between a new client and a digital marketing agency (the digital marketing agency using ChatGPT to accomplish the client’s stated objectives).

CLIENT: I’d like for my customers to know my value proposition is sustainability. All of the products we make are from 100% recycled material and are shipped using carbon neutral transportation.

DIGITAL MARKETING AGENCY: “*ChatGPT: Can you write an email marketing copy for a company that is focused on sustainability to let customers know they use 100% recycled material and carbon neutral transportation?”

CHAT GPT: “Sure! “Are you worried about the future of the planet?” In short, climate change is a real problem and to navigate the challenges it presents we need to focus on as many strategies as possible that reduce carbon emissions.”

How would you feel if you were the client and that was the email copy that digital marketing agency presented to you? What would you think? I would be mad. Yes, ChatGPT did provide some fancy words and sort of made it seem like it was talking about something the company has in their value proposition, but really has zero substance. It’s a terrible email copy. AI doesn’t account for anything unique about the business. It doesn’t know anything about the company, it’s never met the client, it’s never seen the company’s customers and interacted with them to better understand how their product could be improved or changed. ChatGPT just doesn’t know.

From the digital marketing agencies perspective, they gave the client what they wanted and they were able to do it without much effort at all. From the client’s perspective, they got an “email copy in a box” with no substance. And until somebody who is in charge of ad-spend notices that the email copy they are paying for is basically useless, the agency will continue to get paid for executing a digital marketing campaign with no value. A campaign written entirely from the lens of artificial intelligence.

So what can you do? You can make a concerted effort to understand everything you can about this new technology, and as it progresses, rely on those with experience to help you understand it better. And when the time comes, implement it into smaller tasks within your organization and see how things go. If it makes certain aspects of the operations of your company easier, it’s perfectly fine to continue on. As the technology advances, so will the ease of which it can be integrated into your existing IT infrastructure. It’s only going to get better. But we can’t rely on it just yet.

It’s perfectly fine to be optimistic about the future of artificial intelligence and the capabilities it might bring to your business. But it is not the “final answer” to all of your company’s unique needs. While it might make certain aspects of your daily work schedule a bit less tedious, none of the AI solutions offered by ChatGPT and similar programs will replace the operational infrastructure that makes your business “tick.” You simply won’t find an AI-driven software that can carry out the necessary combination of activities and agile prioritization that is present within a well-run organization. Delegation isn’t something ChatGPT is programmed to do. Nor is the ability to make quick decisions which are underpinned by emotional intelligence. There is simply far too much going on within the ecosystem of modern business for us to let AI completely take over.

So, you might be asking yourself, why are you telling me all of this? To be honest, it’s something that needs to be addressed in every meeting across every industry over the coming weeks at least briefly. Employees need to be aware of this new technology and how it might bring a potential benefit to their daily work lives… they should be informed and understand how they can properly use it to make their day easier and certain tasks a bit less tedious and repetitive. But they should also have a very clear message from those in charge that this technology isn’t a substitute for the processes and experience that have made the company successful or brought it to this point. AI doesn’t know your customers or your product, and it certainly doesn’t know how to delegate tasks among a group of people with diverse needs and interests. And it can’t quickly adjust to a changing marketplace where the price of goods can skyrocket, supply chains can bottleneck, consumers preferences can shift, and so many other variables.

In order to succeed in 2023 with all of the new advancements in technology that have everyone riled up, it’s crucial for business owners and leadership teams to take a step back and reflect on the actual value new technology and processes provide, rather than going all in. We just need to see more evidence first.

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The Future of Work: 2023 Will Be Decisive Fri, 20 Jan 2023 22:06:19 +0000 The post The Future of Work: 2023 Will Be Decisive appeared first on Jen Gaudet Coaching Services.


The future of work is rapidly evolving, and by 2023, it’s predicted that three primary trends will have a significant impact: automation and artificial intelligence, remote work, and the subscription economy. According to Forbes (June 2020), “AI is expected to reach the tipping point in how it impacts the workplace by 2023”, while a study conducted by Gartner (July 2020) predicts “that over half of employees will work remotely multiple days a week by 2023”.

Automation and Artificial Intelligence 

Automation is already revolutionizing many aspects of the workplace. In the next few years, advancements in artificial intelligence, automation, and machine learning will make it possible for businesses to automate mundane tasks and processes, freeing up human employees to focus on more meaningful projects. Companies will also look to AI-enabled solutions to detect problems, suggest solutions, and analyze data for valuable insights. Companies will look to artificial intelligence-enabled solutions to provide deeper insights than ever before, enabling business leaders to identify problems and opportunities early on. AI can also enable companies to find potential solutions and make data-driven decisions with greater accuracy and speed than traditional methods. After 2023, AI is expected to become a key factor in the workplace, with the technology becoming an integral part of many business operations. For example, AI chatbots could be used to deliver personalized customer service, while AI-driven marketing automation can be used to better target customers. Furthermore, AI could be used to streamline processes, helping businesses to save time and resources. With the right strategies, businesses can reap the rewards of AI in the workplace and remain competitive in the years ahead.

Remote Work

As technology becomes more advanced, remote working is becoming increasingly popular. 2022 was the year that remote working became the norm in many industries, allowing companies to tap into global talent pools, save costs, increase agility and innovation, and improve employee engagement.

A key question in 2023 will be how many companies are willing to continue embracing hybrid working and how many employees are willing to return to the “traditional” workplace. It is likely that some companies will opt to switch to more permanent remote working arrangements while others may choose to bring staff back on a part-time or full-time basis. Additionally, individual employees may have different preferences on where they work, making it important for companies to ensure they have measures in place to cater to a diverse range of requirements. Ultimately, the decision will depend on several factors, such as the nature of the company’s work, the availability of suitable technology, and the preferences of individual employees

Subscription Economy

As companies shift away from linear business models, the subscription economy is quickly gaining momentum. This year, companies will start creating more and more dynamic and cost-efficient services for their customers, enabling them to access a variety of products and experiences on a subscription basis. This ongoing relationship between customer and seller will create the need to develop an even more meaningful customer journey and experience.

In conclusion…

It’s clear that automation and artificial intelligence, remote work, and the subscription economy will all shape the future of work in 2023, creating a dynamic and ever-evolving workplace. Companies should begin preparing now for these changes, as they will bring both challenges and opportunities in the coming years. With the right strategies and the right technology, businesses can stay ahead of the curve and remain competitive.

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Recession Proof Your Business: Weathering the Storm Thu, 08 Sep 2022 14:42:03 +0000 The post Recession Proof Your Business: Weathering the Storm appeared first on Jen Gaudet Coaching Services.


Regardless of your company’s industry or target audience, it would be hard to say that there aren’t challenging times ahead. Economies across the globe are playing a careful balancing act with their finances as the long-term implications of policies embraced during the pandemic are now being realized; many of them unfavorable in the modern business climate. However, pushing all inklings of politics or ideological perspectives aside, there is a universal truth for every company… it’s time to “recession proof” their operations. And while challenging, there are a series of steps that can be taken to ensure your business remains profitable and viable for the foreseeable future. 


You’ve probably heard the phrase “it costs 10x as much money to find a new client as it does to keep an existing one.” And while this concept is generally true, there isn’t a baseline expense ratio for losing a client and having to go out and find another one. According to one survey, global book giant Barnes & Noble says it costs them $10 to acquire a customer, while TD Waterhouse and Amazon report $175 and $160 respectively. Other sources say the cost could be as much as 25 times greater.

Regardless of the numbers, one thing is certain, in today’s economy you simply can’t afford to lose clients. As a result, the growing uncertainty we are currently experiencing is the perfect opportunity to evaluate who your customers are, why they are your customers, and what you can do to help improve their experience. Even if they are someone who may only call in once a year or who doesn’t provide an incredible amount of revenue, it’s crucial that you make it clear you are there for them. Even more so, it’s important to let them know where you stand and how your business will continue to meet their needs.


How does your company evaluate success? Is it sales revenue, percentage growth year-over-year, number of new customers acquired? The list goes on. This is why it’s so important during times of economic uncertainty to evaluate how your company is determining success. If success is entirely dependent upon monetary rewards, then it is likely there are some tough conversations ahead. However, if your business is still in the start-up phase and looking to grow, perhaps steering away from an entirely fiscally driven approach to success is less important than focusing on metrics that are a bit less tangible and expensive. Perhaps evaluating success through the lens of brand perception is more productive in 2022.


There isn’t any way of getting around continued labor and material shortages for most businesses over the next few years. Simply put, most of them are going to spend an unprecedented amount of energy into making sure they can keep the lights on and actually physically retain the products they are selling; supply chain woes seem to also not be going away. This is why after solidifying your existing client relationships and ensuring that you are determining success appropriately, it becomes time to seriously evaluate what you do best. What has gotten you to this point? What has caused your company to grow? When taking some time to reflect, most companies experiencing today’s economic uncertainties can come up with an answer. Sometimes it’s about getting back to basics and ensuring that your company has a strong foundation moving forward. If there is an area of your business that isn’t necessarily helping propel the long-term vision, maybe there is room to cut back.


Similar to losing clients, it is incredibly expensive to replace employees. When you think about the resources spent on getting your workers up to speed and providing them all the technology and equipment they need to do their job, it quickly adds up. Most companies spend thousands of dollars and countless hours with human resources just starting the process of employment. Consequently, now is not the time to begin losing their loyalty. Adequate investments should be made to ensure they are offered continued training, benefits, and opportunities for growth.

All of the above won’t be “end-all, be-all” solutions to the coming economic storm that will impact most businesses. However, they do serve as fundamental ways that any company looking to maintain resilience can incorporate into their strategy. It has always been good business advice to ensure that your clients are happy; regardless of their status or how many times they’ve purchased something from you. It is also never a bad idea to solidify where your business stands and what the plans for the future are. If your long-term plans don’t align with your current strategic direction, it’s time to make a change. And last, but certainly not least, using adequate resources to keep your employees happy and give them a sense of purpose will always be smart.

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TRANSPARENCY: WHAT TO DO WHEN YOUR ASSUMPTIONS “GO WRONG” Fri, 04 Mar 2022 16:10:25 +0000 The post TRANSPARENCY: WHAT TO DO WHEN YOUR ASSUMPTIONS “GO WRONG” appeared first on Jen Gaudet Coaching Services.


What does it mean to assume? In short, it means that we believe the people we interact with on a daily basis are being transparent. We think they will follow through. During the course of our daily lives, we make a lot of assumptions. We assume that our friend will show up for lunch or that our next appointment will be on-time.  There just isn’t enough time to be hyper-critical of the dozens of small interactions we have on a daily basis. But why do we assume so much and sometimes (to a detriment) think that others are being truthful despite our inhibitions?

Because it makes life easier. 

What kind of world would we live in where everything came with a question mark? What if every time we spoke, someone assumed we were lying? What if everytime we were a few minutes late, people assumed we just weren’t showing up and had no interest in being there? Our lives would be incredibly stressful and we’d eventually all go into self-preservation mode. None of us would be wearing “rose-colored glasses.” Every time we turned around we would feel like we were being interrogated. Our days would be spent needlessly fighting and arguing over unimportant things. Consequently, humans have evolved with a tendency to “default-to-truth.” A subconscious sort of will to see the best in others or assume that others are being truthful. It just makes life easier.

Psychologist Tim Levine conducted a series of experiments in the late 1970’s to try and understand this phenomenon. He asked a long-list of seasoned FBI veterans to review a series of video interviews with college students. During these interviews, the students were asked about an academic dishonesty incident that had occured the previous week. Many of the students had heard every detail, knew people involved, or were involved themselves. Some knew nothing at all. And while many of them seemed very forthcoming and honest, others seemed to shy away from the difficult questions and appeared deceptive. When Levine asked the FBI agents to identify which of the college students were lying and which of them were telling the truth, they were right 50% of the time. How could someone whose expertise is in law enforcement and uncovering deception be so bad at determining whether or not a student is lying?

Levine then asked a group of various blue-collar workers with no training in law enforcement to review the same tapes. How good were they at determining who was being honest? They were right 50% of the time.

After countless variations on his experiment, Levine then came to a striking conclusion. Humans are terrible at detecting lies. The idea that we can tell if someone is lying by whether or not they look away, sweat, become nervous or any of the above is preposterous. All of the special techniques and methods that we have developed for trying to determine are rarely accurate. And the reason isn’t so obvious. Assuming truthfulness is a part of our human nature. It’s an evolutionary trait designed for our well-being. We don’t want to live in a world where our every move is questioned. The aforementioned world would be no place to live. Consequently, we’ve developed a sort of tolerance for “little-white lies” and assume the best in others. In other words, we “default-to-truth.” It’s in our DNA to accept people’s words and actions as truthful. Nobody blames us when someone doesn’t show up to an appointment. Nobody blames us when our friend doesn’t show up to lunch. Things happen.

Is there anything that can be done about this?

We should be transparent and follow through. When it comes to scheduling meetings, working with clients, giving presentations, and so on, we shouldn’t leave any room for people to believe their assumptions are wrong. If we say we are going to do something, we should do it. When we agreed to take on the responsibility, the person in front of us didn’t have time to waste to determine whether or not we were being dishonest. They assumed we would follow through. It is now our job to always follow through. Nobody likes being “made-a-fool.” We should focus on building the very foundation of trust, which is honesty. When we say we are going to do something, we should follow through. When we are speaking with someone, we should be entirely truthful. Even if it hurts. 

If we don’t practice these strategies in our modern workplaces, we will all eventually go into “self-protection mode. Ultimately creating that world where everyone assumes the worst in others; where everyone is hyper-critical of everything and unwilling to accept even the smallest of mistakes; a miserable place to live.

So, what can be done to avoid this? 

We have to accept our own limitations. Things won’t always go as planned. People will let us down and things will fall through. But it doesn’t mean that we should throw out the playbook and stop trying. Just because we assumed the best in someone and it didn’t go well, it doesn’t mean that it’s time to start playing the blame game. In business, you win some and you lose some. But you pick yourself up. Even though sometimes you feel like you’ve done all you can and it didn’t work out because of this or that, there is no choice but to move on. By doing so, you can transform what has happened into an opportunity for growth.

Here are a few questions to help you get started the next time your assumptions “go wrong” 

  • “Knowing what I do know, how will I approach this situation next time?”
  • “Where can I improve?”
  • “Do I have enough support or the right type of support I need? If not, where can I find it?”
  • “Do I have all of the skills I need? If not, how do I get them?”

The post TRANSPARENCY: WHAT TO DO WHEN YOUR ASSUMPTIONS “GO WRONG” appeared first on Jen Gaudet Coaching Services.

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